Media relations and PR

A woman watched TV at Christmas

Festive TV adverts and 5 ideas for marketing that we can learn from them

You know Christmas is coming when John Lewis and M&S share their Christmas TV adverts. The same goes for the big leading supermarkets Tesco, Sainsburys and M&S.  The suspense builds, we hear whispers about the song that they’ve picked and we wait to see what story they’ll tell this year! The Christmas TV advert has […]

Festive TV adverts and 5 ideas for marketing that we can learn from them Read More »

Create your own PR Power!

Public Relations, or ‘PR’, is all about the way organisations communicate with the public to promote themselves and build a positive reputation and public image. PR sounds like an effortless, easy task but it can be difficult to know where to start and how to make the most of your time and resources. As a

Create your own PR Power! Read More »

How to…with Louise

Join this live interactive session to inject some energy and ideas in your marketing, PR and communications. This session is for you Solopreneur Small business owner Side hustler Industry leader & expert This session is ideal for you to  Understand how PR and marketing will be useful for sales opportunities Generate publicity to spread a

How to…with Louise Read More »

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