Using mobile phones for marketing


Hello and welcome to your section to learn about using your mobile phone as a marketing tool

Apps and SMS text message marketing present perfect on-the-go opportunities to reach and engage with customers. Great for announcing new (exclusive) offers and sharing notifications for important information such as delivery updates. If you’ve never tried, we have some ideas to guide you and tell you more in this section.

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Your toolkit topic has 11 pages including:

  • Why text messages and apps can help to drive sales and provide customer service
  • Tops tips to consider when using text messages
  • Top suggestions to try if you want to develop your own app for devices
  • A checklist of ideas and resources
  • A 3-page glossary to help you understand common PR, media and marketing phrases

… and more!

How this toolkit topic will make a difference:

  • You will understand why mobile phones are an exciting interactive marketing tool to enhance your business
  • Understand what is involved to use text message and app platforms to help you invest your time and money wisely

See the toolkit layout

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