Media relations: sharing your stories


Hello and welcome to your section to learn about pitching stories to the media, aka media relations.

Media relations is a free way to gain public exposure. The ultimate goal is to promote what you do and who you are to the masses and if this is done correctly, it can help you to become a household name and recognisable. If you’re confused about where to start, this section is for you!

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Your toolkit topic has 12 pages including:

  • Different types of press releases
  • How to pitch your story to the media
  • Tips to pitch
  • Ideas to consider
  • A checklist of ideas and resources
  • A 3-page glossary to help you understand common PR, media and marketing phrases

… and more!

How this toolkit topic will make a difference:

  • You will understand why it’s useful to build relationships with the media
  • How to share your stories so the media can share them with the public, to give you exposure and (free) promotion – content you can re purpose and use in order ways

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