Finding and building your community


Hello and welcome to your section about finding and building your community

Your community is the life blood of your business. Your community will support your sales and help you to develop ideas and products that make a difference. Purchase this individual section to read more so you can find and build your own community.

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Your toolkit topic has 9 pages including:

  • Why finding and building your community is useful
  • A practical exercise to try
  • Sections to make notes and plans
  • A checklist of ideas to consider and try
  • A 3-page glossary to help you understand common PR, media and marketing phrases

… and more!

How this toolkit topic will make a difference:

  • It will give you a quick burst of useful information to help you feel energised and prepared
  • These ideas and tips are flexible and adaptable to you as a solopreneur, freelancer or business leader

See the toolkit layout

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