Here’s a quick fire round to get to know me:
What are the biggest life lessons you would like to share?
A manager from my radio days once told me ‘never stop being curious’ and it’s words that have stayed with me for over 20 years. I apply this mindset to everything I do. Curiosity allows you to question, consider and not jump to conclusions or judgments too soon which I think can help you to approach new and daunting tasks with an openness and readiness to learn.
What is the best thing about being your own boss?
For me, it’s about celebrating my passions and ambition as I embark on an exciting journey to learn something new and live out my vision. I enjoy the flexibility that my time is your own. Yes, there are 24 hours in a day but I can choose how to use them – freedom is really important to me and being my own boss gives me that in abundance. I enjoy meeting new people – it’s fascinating to hear their stories and the entrepreneurial world gives you access to many different people. I also love creating products that make a positive different to help businesses plan their marketing and communications.
How do you start your day?
Stretch, yawn and pour myself a cup of ambition (in the words of Dolly Parton and 9 to 5, ha!) Kidding, I do a 10-15 minute yoga routine via Youtube, shower and grab a cuppa. I am not a morning person at all. Think groggy and drowsy. So, to get going I yawn, stretch and gulp a glass of water. I then do a 10-15 yoga morning routine to wake me up and get me moving. It also focuses my mind and helps me prepare for a busy day with some mindfulness. Then it’s time to shower and get dressed
Who (or what) inspires you most?
I’m inspired by stories about successful people because their journey is normally fascinating especially when you hear about challenges, set backs and difficulties. This inspires because it reminds me success isn’t easy and I learn a lot from the challenges that others encounter. Oprah, my mum
What makes you feel creative?
I often say my brain is in ‘sponge mode’ soaking up creative ideas wherever I look. This could be at a museum, in the theatre, on holiday, when watching a TV show or film or listening to a podcast. Absorbing different platforms, mediums and media of visual sounds and images helps me to feel creative exhibitions Probably art.
What I admire most about entrepreneurs…
is the mindset to have the courage to go it alone and be your own boss. Juggling lots of different tasks as a small team and leading with a vision is a tough task but I find it fascinating!
My best tip to get motivated for a busy day?
Take a walk, step outside, change your perspective
What are the best tip(s) to network and build relationships or contacts in your industry?
Listen, be present, make time networking is a reciprocal situation that I think creates opportunities to listen, learn and share.
When you meet people, find out as much as possible about who they are, their passions and motivations and what they do for work / a business. Look for official networking groups that match your industry, interests or qualifications. When I’m networking I enjoy helping businesses to understand different marketing and PR techniques that you can use.
What is the best podcast for business life?
When I’m driving, out running or at the gym I love to listen to The diary of a CEO hosted by Steven Bartlett. It’s a podcast with high profile people from different industries, businesses and interests who share their personal and career challenges and triumphs. Hearing a diverse range of point of views is insightful and fascinating because it gives you a glimpse of behind the scenes to understand the thoughts and motivations of people who are in leadership. If you plan to launch your own podcast, here is a planner template to organise the content you will record.
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